Welcome to Vesterdalen Lodge!

We're part of Sons of Norway, an international fraternal organization dedicated to preserving Norwegian Heritage. We meet in Auburn and our members come from everywhere in south Puget Sound!


Please take a few minutes to look over the pages on this web site - our calendar of events, where we meet, how we communicate, how to join and how to contact us. If you have any questions, please use the contact form and we'll get right back to you.


We are meeting in person at this date, but meetings are held on Zoom (virtual meeting on your computer, tablet or phone) as well. We send the Zoom link with meeting announcements. If you'd like to get this announcement, please contact info@vesterdalen.org


Our President for 2025 is Amanda Reding!

Our congratulation to Karen Tofte for becoming our Norwegian of the Year for 2024. Karen has been our Cultural Director for several years and found some outstanding programs, many available to us on Zoom! We enjoyd programs from Norway (which required taping to allow for time zone differences) and from the Viking ship replica in Moorhead, Minnesota. So many great ones!

She resurrected our NordicFest spring program pulling together vendors and creating fun booths (such as the photo booth) and coordinating volunteers. We have a new base on which to build the 2025 NordicFest!

Thank you, Karen!

Our Annual LUTEFISK DINNER was on the Fourth Saturday of October. We decided last year to not host one as we didn't have enough members to work the dinner. We are considering hosting this again. If you sign up below, you'll get an emailed notice. 


We do host a couple of TORSK dinners each year and tickets may be available for those - Torsk is boiled cod and is delicious!


* indicates required

Contact Us Today!

Vesterdalen Lodge 2-131

Sons of Norway

PO Box 99

Auburn, WA 98071


E-mail: info@vesterdalen.org

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